BLUAI - "Save It For Later"
BLUAIは、ベルギーのアントワープを拠点とする3人組のガールバンドとして活動している。「Save It For Later」は、3人のメンバーとベルギーの有名なHIP-HOPコンポーザーであるWillem Ardui (blackwave.) をプロデューサーとして起用した。このアルバムでは、バンジョーとラップスティールをフィーチャーして、ナッシュビルサウンドをモチーフに、さらにインディーロックからオルタナティブなアメリカーナのカントリーロックに焦点を合わせたアルバムとなった。
Bnny - " Everything "
シカゴのジェシカ・ヴィシアスを中心とした4人組バンドBnnyのデビューアルバム『Everything』は、まるで悲しみの国からのフィールドレコーディングのような感じの作品。シンガーのジェス・ヴィシアスがパートナーAdam Schubertの死を乗り越える過程で数年にわたって書き上げたこのアルバムは、最も複雑な愛と最も持続的な喪失の記録としている。
PACKS - " Crispy Crunchy Nothing "
PACKSのセカンドアルバム「Crispy Crunchy Nothing」は、パンデミックの影響を受けた若者の苦悩を描いた2021年のデビューアルバムに続いて2023年にリリースされた。カナダのオタワ郊外で両親の家で過ごしている間に製作されたアルバムで、事故にあった家族の死に対する葛藤を赤裸々に描かれた作品である。
[FOMR-6000] Friend of Mine Select CD Series Sales (レーベルCD 10タイトル) [CD]
[FOMR-6000] Friend of Mine Select CD Series Sales (レーベルCD 10タイトル) [CD]


[FOMR-3000] Friend of Mine Select CD Series Sales (レーベルCD 6タイトル)
[FOMR-3000] Friend of Mine Select CD Series Sales (レーベルCD 6タイトル)


[TEI-102] brief candles - " Unfinished Nature " [12 inch Black Vinyl of Limited 250 ]
[TEI-102] brief candles - " Unfinished Nature " [12 inch Black Vinyl of Limited 250 ]


[none] brief candles - " Retreater " [12-inch Vinyl ]
[none] brief candles - " Retreater " [12-inch Vinyl ]


[GILT-050] brief candles - " Fractured Days " [Blue Pale 12-inch Vinyl]
[GILT-050] brief candles - " Fractured Days " [Blue Pale 12-inch Vinyl]


[BTV-097] The Jealous Sound - " A Gentle Reminder " [Purple marble Vinyl ]
[BTV-097] The Jealous Sound - " A Gentle Reminder " [Purple marble Vinyl ]


[BTV-018] Sans Culottes –  " Another Ten True Summers " [CD]
[BTV-018] Sans Culottes – " Another Ten True Summers " [CD]



[BTV-026] The Operation  - " Invisibleman EP " [CD]
[BTV-026] The Operation - " Invisibleman EP " [CD]



[BTV-019] Ply - " Somewhere beyond farewell " [CD]
[BTV-019] Ply - " Somewhere beyond farewell " [CD]



[FTK-273] Bnny - " One Million Love Songs " [Classic Black Vinyl  ]
[FTK-273] Bnny - " One Million Love Songs " [Classic Black Vinyl ]


[FTK-271] PACKS - ” Melt The Honey "  [LimitedGold Vinyl (Rarity) ]
[FTK-271] PACKS - ” Melt The Honey " [LimitedGold Vinyl (Rarity) ]


[FTK-180] Bnny - " Everything " [Limited Edition Baby Blue Vinyl  ]
[FTK-180] Bnny - " Everything " [Limited Edition Baby Blue Vinyl ]


[FTK-230] PACKS - " Crispy Crunchy Nothing " [Classic Black Vinyl]
[FTK-230] PACKS - " Crispy Crunchy Nothing " [Classic Black Vinyl]


[MX-0003] Sad Breakfast - "  Don’t Try To Forget... LP " [12-inch Vinyl Limited 200 copies]
[MX-0003] Sad Breakfast - " Don’t Try To Forget... LP " [12-inch Vinyl Limited 200 copies]



[FAR-059] The Goodboy Suit - " WITHIN WALLS WITHOUT WINDOWS  LP" [ Limited to 300 Salmon Pink Vinyl + DL Coupon]
[FAR-059] The Goodboy Suit - " WITHIN WALLS WITHOUT WINDOWS LP" [ Limited to 300 Salmon Pink Vinyl + DL Coupon]


[FAR-008] Stillwell - " DON’T FACE A PROBLEM…BURN IT " [Limited to 100 copies on orange vinyl + DL Coupon]
[FAR-008] Stillwell - " DON’T FACE A PROBLEM…BURN IT " [Limited to 100 copies on orange vinyl + DL Coupon]


[EW020]  Akarso- "Leave Quietly 1997-1999" [Limited Edition 180gram Black vinyl]
[EW020] Akarso- "Leave Quietly 1997-1999" [Limited Edition 180gram Black vinyl]


[EW011/AH002] Tintoretto - " S/T " [Limited Edition "DYING DAYS" 12" vinyl (colored)]
[EW011/AH002] Tintoretto - " S/T " [Limited Edition "DYING DAYS" 12" vinyl (colored)]


[None] Celebration Guns - " 12 Songs from '22 to '24 " [Dark Green 180g vinyl]
[None] Celebration Guns - " 12 Songs from '22 to '24 " [Dark Green 180g vinyl]



[FOMR-0104] loqto - " Reassemble " [CD]
[FOMR-0104] loqto - " Reassemble " [CD]


[None] Joshua - " Nascent " [Blue and Gold Splatter or Blue and Gold Swirl 12-inch Vinyl]
[None] Joshua - " Nascent " [Blue and Gold Splatter or Blue and Gold Swirl 12-inch Vinyl]


[NG083] Spoils System - " Smoke Signals " [Standard Black  12-inch Vinyl ]
[NG083] Spoils System - " Smoke Signals " [Standard Black 12-inch Vinyl ]


[STORM076] Into It. Over It. - "Interesting Decisions: Into It. Over It. Songs (2020 - 2023) - LP" [CLEAR 12 Inch Vinyl]
[STORM076] Into It. Over It. - "Interesting Decisions: Into It. Over It. Songs (2020 - 2023) - LP" [CLEAR 12 Inch Vinyl]


[STORM037 / PRC-438] Their / They're / There  - "Their / They're / Three - LP" [ Purple 12 Inch Vinyl]
[STORM037 / PRC-438] Their / They're / There - "Their / They're / Three - LP" [ Purple 12 Inch Vinyl]
